This lecture is a part of Tsinghua University’s Global Open Course, “China’s Perspective on Global Development Initiative”. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by coronavirus outbroke in Hubei area from the beginning of 2020 and spread very quickly, which has been threatening the health of peoples all over the world. Because COVID-19 is newly identified infectious disease and out broke suddenly, there has been an urgent need for specific drug for COVID-19. At the early stage, clinical treatment for COVID-19 is mainly based on the symptoms of the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine has been widely used for the clinical treatment of COVID-19 and the results showed that they are very effective. Research and development of anti-viral drugs mainly target the SARS-CoV2 virus and also the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Scientists and global health professionals worldwide have been closely working together to accelerate the research and new drug development process. The R&D Blueprint has been activated to accelerate diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics for this novel coronavirus to contain the further spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic. In this lecture, clinical drug treatment of COVID-19, up-to-date research and development status of anti-COVID-19 drugs and the strategy of research and development of anti-COVID-19 drugs, would be reviewed.


Professor Hang Hubert Yin

Hang Hubert Yin is a Professor and founding Deputy Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tsinghua University. His research interests lie at the interface of chemistry, biology, and engineering with particular focuses on structure-based drug design, extracellular vesicles, cell signaling biochemistry, biotechnology development, and membrane protein simulations. 

Professor Hang Hubert Yin was born in Beijing in 1976. After studying for a bachelor’s degree at Peking University, he received his PhD from Yale University in 2004 under the supervision of Professor Andrew Hamilton and then spent a post-doctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with Professor William DeGrado. In 2018, Professor Yin joined the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tsinghua University as a founding Deputy Dean. Prior to joining Tsinghua, he was a tenured faculty member of the University of Colorado Boulder. Professor Yin currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of Tsinghua University, a member-at-large of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV), the Editor-in-Chief of Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, and a deputy editor of the Journal of Extracellular Vesicles.

Professor Yin is a recipient of many accolades for his research in chemical biology and drug discovery, including the American Chemical Society David W. Robertson Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry, 2020 OKeanos-CAPA Senior Investigator Award, CAPA Distinguished Junior Faculty Award, NSF CAREER Award, AACR Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award, Sidney Kimmel Scholars Award, and HHMI Collaborative Innovation Award among others.

List of lectures

Course Background

China’s President Addresses United Nations General Debate, 76th Session

In 2021, President Xi Jinping proposed the Global Development Initiative (GDI) at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly. In response, Tsinghua University developed and launched the graduate course, namely “China’s Perspective on Global Development Initiative” for 2022 Autumn semester, presenting the latest development of China’s society, economy, culture, and science and technology. This course will introduce the frontiers in research and relevant practices in China, focusing on digital economy, poverty reduction, COVID medication and vaccine, development financing, climate change and green development, interconnection, and other fields.

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